3. Version Control System

The Debian Hamradio Maintainers team has a project on Salsa. You are encouraged to use this for managing git repositories for the source of your team packages. If you do not currently have an account on Salsa or have not requested to be added to the project, you will need to do that before you can use this facility. To request to be added to the project, send an email to the mailing list. In order to be able to push to the repositories on Salsa, you will need to add an SSH key to your Salsa account.

3.1. Anonymous access to git repositories

Anonymous access to git repositories is possible at the following URLs:

Anonymous access to a web VCS browser is also available at the following URL:

You can also view an index of all team git repositories.

3.2. Repository layout

The layout of the Git repository is important as we have QA tools that scan our Git repositories for information. The recommended layout for repositories is described by DEP-14, which is implemented by the git-buildpackage tool. Examples of this tool in use are given below.

3.3. Importing an existing source package

You will need git-buildpackage installed on your local machine before following these steps.

If your package is not currently tracked with git, you can import the sources from a source package.

Begin by logging into Salsa and creating the new repository. To configure the Salsa repository you’ve created you can use the script at https://salsa.debian.org/debian-hamradio-team/hamradio-maintguide/tree/master/salsa.

If you have the source package locally, you can skip this next step. If not, you will need to download the source package from the Debian archives:

cd /tmp
apt-get source <pkg-name>

Then you need to create a local git repository on your machine and import the source package:

mkdir <pkg-name>
cd <pkg-name>
git init
gbp import-dsc --pristine-tar /tmp/<pkg-name>*.dsc

Finally, in your local git repository, add the remote and push all branches and tags:

git remote add origin git+ssh://salsa.debian.org/debian-hamradio-team/<pkg-name>.git
git push origin --all
git push origin --tags

Please remember to update your Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields in debian/control to match the URLs shown above for anonymous access.

3.4. Importing an existing git repository

You will need git-buildpackage installed on your local machine before following these steps.

If you’ve previously had a git repository elsewhere for your package, you can import it quite easily.

Begin by logging into Salsa and creating the new repository. To configure the Salsa repository you’ve created you can use the script at https://salsa.debian.org/debian-hamradio-team/hamradio-maintguide/tree/master/salsa.

Then in your local git repository, add the remote and push all branches and tags:

git remote remove origin
git remote add origin git+ssh://salsa.debian.org/debian-hamradio-team/<pkg-name>.git
git push origin --all
git push origin --tags

This repository can now be cloned using git-buildpackage or you can continue to work in your local repository pushing changes to the new origin.

Please remember to update your Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields in debian/control to match the URLs shown above for anonymous access.

3.5. Creating a new git repository for a new package

You will need git-buildpackage installed on your local machine before following these steps.

Begin by logging into Salsa and creating the new repository.

On your machine, download the upstream source tarball and keep it somewhere safe. You will need a tarball to import, so if upstream distributes source as a zip or other type of archive, you will need to repack it as a tarball.

Create a local git repository on your machine and import the tarball like so:

mkdir <pkg-name>
cd <pkg-name>
git init
gbp import-orig --pristine-tar /path/to/upstream/source.tar.gz

You’ll now find that the upstream source has been imported into your git repository.

To configure the Salsa repository you’ve created you can use the script at https://salsa.debian.org/debian-hamradio-team/hamradio-maintguide/tree/master/salsa.

When you are ready to push your changes to Salsa, add the remote and push all branches and tags:

git remote add origin git+ssh://salsa.debian.org/debian-hamradio-team/<pkg-name>.git
git push --all
git push --tags

3.6. Updating a package already in the team git

You can update an existing Debian package in git to the latest upstream with one of the following commands:

gbp import-orig --pristine-tar --uscan # will use the watch file to locate
                                       # the latest upstream
gbp import-orig --pristine-tar --download <URL> # will download a tarball
                                                # from the URL before
                                                # importing
gbp import-orig --pristine-tar /path/to/orig.tar.gz # import from local
                                                    # tarball

3.7. Testing package builds with git-buildpackage

While building your package with git-pbuilder as described below will help you to test building your package on a clean system and check your build dependencies, it can take a long time to install the build dependencies every time. You can build your package in the directory on your development system while debugging build problems.

gbp buildpackage -us -uc


The -us -uc options will be passed to dpkg-buildpackage and disable the automatic signing of the package. There is no need to sign the built packages when debugging.

The .dsc, .changes, .orig.tar.gz, .debian.tar.xz and .deb files will be placed in the parent directory to your git repository.

3.8. Using git-buildpackage and git-pbuilder for building packages

git-pbuilder builds your package in a chroot which ensures that your package has the correct package dependencies and does not depend on any files outside of the repository. It is included in the git-buildpackage package.

The first time you use git-pbuilder, you’ll need to create a local unstable chroot for the builds to be performed in. You will also need to make sure cowbuilder is available on your system.

sudo apt-get install cowbuilder
sudo git-pbuilder create

In order to build your package from the git repository, run:

cd /path/to/repository
gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder

3.9. Final build and upload

If your package is ready for upload, you can update the changelog, perform a final build with the updated changelog, sign your package using debsign and then upload:

dch -r # this will set the distribution to unstable
gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-tag
cd ../
debsign <pkg>*.changes
dput <target> <pkg>*.changes


You may choose to do the final build without git-pbuilder, in which case you can omit the --git-pbuilder argument from the call to gbp buildpackage. The .dsc and .changes files will also be signed during the build so you do not have to use debsign if you are not using git-pbuilder for the final build.

If you’re not a Debian Maintainer or Debian Developer, you will not be able to upload directly into the Debian archives. See the “Publishing your packages” section of the mentors.debian.org introduction to learn how to upload your package there and then send a mail to the mailing list requesting sponsorship for your package.

3.10. Backports and updates to stable distributions

Backports and updates to stable distributions should be managed in a separate branch in the Git repositories. Backports should be managed in the branch with the name of the stable distribution, e.g. the branch containing backports for the current stable distribution should be named “bullseye”. Proposed updates for the stable distributions should be managed in the branch with the name of the stable distribution with “-pu” appended, e.g. the branch containing proposed updates for the current stable distribution should be named “bullseye-pu”.

In order to use git-buildpackage to build the alternative branch, use the –git-debian-branch argument:

gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-debian-branch=bullseye

3.11. Tracking commit notifications

Commit notifications are displayed in the #debian-hams IRC channel on irc.debian.org and can also be found on the debian-hams@lists.debian.org mailing list.

3.12. Further Reading

For more information on using Git for packaging, see the Git packages pages on the wiki.